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什么是并发数据结构? 引用wiki上的定义

In computer science, a concurrent data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data for access by multiple computing threads (or processes) on a computer.





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  1. Introduction to Java Concurrency(译者:jiyou)
  2. Benefits (译者:古圣昌)
  3. Costs      (译者:古圣昌)
  4. Creating and Starting Threads(译者:阿里-章筱虎)
  5. Race Conditions and Critical Sections(译者:He Jianjun,已完成)
  6. Thread Safety and Shared Resources(译者:Bi Ran,已完成)
  7. Thread Safety and Immutability(译者:高嵩,已完成)
  8. Synchronized Blocks (译者:同杰)
  9. Thread Signaling (译者:杜建雄)
  10. Deadlock  (译者:申章)
  11. Deadlock Prevention (译者:申章)
  12. Starvation and Fairness  (译者: jiyou)
  13. Nested Monitor Lockout(译者:柳暗 ☆花明)
  14. Slipped Conditions(译者:柳暗 ☆花明)
  15. Locks  (译者:申章)
  16. Read / Write Locks(译者:华)
  17. Reentrance Lockout(译者:刘晓日)
  18. Semaphores          (译者:寒桐)
  19. Blocking Queues (译者:寒桐)
  20. Thread Pools        (译者:长源)
  21. Anatomy of a Synchronizer(译者:高嵩)

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Doug Lea 的文献

  1. Synchronizer Framework  译者:ClarenceAu (已翻译完成,在校对)
  2. Fork/Join  译者:Alex(陆续发表中)
  3. Java Concurrency Constructs 译者:萧欢(已翻译完成)
  4. Cancellation 译者:丁一  (已翻译完成)



  1. What’s so special about a ring buffer? – A summary by Trisha of the data structure at the heart of the Disruptor patter, how it’s implemented and what’s so great about it. (译者:淘宝-欧立勇)
  2. How do I read from a ring buffer? – Trisha gives an overview of the Consumer and ConsumerBarrier, which allows you to read stuff off the ring buffer.(译者:古圣昌)
  3. Writing to the ring buffer – The third piece from Trisha explaining how to write to the ring buffer, and how it avoids wrapping.(译者:长源)
  4. Lock-free publishing – Danny outlines the concepts behind putting items into the ring buffer.(译者:行知)
  5. DSL for wiring up the Disruptor – Adrian came up with a cunning way to configure your Disruptor(译者:杨帆)
  6. Disruptor wizard now part of the Disruptor – Adrian’s wizard now makes it easy to configure your very own Disruptor straight out of the box (译者:杨帆)
  7. Disruptor version 2.0 – Trisha outlines the cosmetic changes to the Disruptor in version 2.0.(译者:杨帆)
  8. Sharing Data Among Threads Without Contention – An updated and summarised version of Trisha’s blogs in Oracle’s Java Magazine.(译者:同杰)


  1. Locks Are Bad – Trisha gives some basic concurrency background and explains why locks are evil. (译者:nick,潘曦,已经翻译完成)
  2. Magic cache line padding – An explanation around why the odd cache line padding variables are required, by Trisha.(译者:方腾飞,已经翻译完)
  3. Demystifying Memory Barriers – Trisha attempts to explain why memory barriers are important in the Disruptor. (译者:杜建雄)


  1. LMAX 架构  by Martin Fowler (已翻译)
  2. Processing 1m TPS with the Axon Framework using the Disruptor.(译者,程晓明)



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  2. 对译者的要求,因为我们是出于学习和研究目的,所以对译者没有很高的要求,只要你只要你对并发编程感兴趣,并且愿意用心来翻译文章,翻译完的文章首先自己能读明白就行,放心我们会进行校对。




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