作者:Trisha 译者:古圣昌 校对:方腾飞
从上一篇文章中我们都了解了什么是Ring Buffer以及它是如何的特别。但遗憾的是,我还没有讲述如何使用Disruptor向Ring Buffer写数据和从Ring Buffer中读取数据。
作者:Trisha 译者:古圣昌 校对:方腾飞
从上一篇文章中我们都了解了什么是Ring Buffer以及它是如何的特别。但遗憾的是,我还没有讲述如何使用Disruptor向Ring Buffer写数据和从Ring Buffer中读取数据。
Martin Fowler在自己网站上写了一篇LMAX架构的文章,在文章中他介绍了LMAX是一种新型零售金融交易平台,它能够以很低的延迟产生大量交易。这个系统是建立在JVM平台上,其核心是一个业务逻辑处理器,它能够在一个线程里每秒处理6百万订单。业务逻辑处理器完全是运行在内存中,使用事件源驱动方式。业务逻辑处理器的核心是Disruptor。
Disruptor它是一个开源的并发框架,并获得2011 Duke’s 程序框架创新奖,能够在无锁的情况下实现网络的Queue并发操作。本文是Disruptor官网中发布的文章的译文(现在被移到了GitHub)。
作者:Trisha 译者:廖涵 校对:方腾飞
这是 Disruptor 全方位解析(end-to-end view)中缺少的一章。当心,本文非常长。但是为了让你能联系上下文阅读,我还是决定把它们写进一篇博客里。
本文的 重点 是:不要让 Ring 重叠;如何通知消费者;生产者一端的批处理;以及多个生产者如何协同工作。 阅读全文
作者:Trisha 译者:寒桐 校对:方腾飞
最近,我们开源了LMAX Disruptor,它是我们的交易系统吞吐量快(LMAX是一个新型的交易平台,号称能够单线程每秒处理数百万的订单)的关键原因。为什么我们要将其开源?我们意识到对高性能编程领域的一些传统观点,有点不对劲。我们找到了一种更好、更快地在线程间共享数据的方法,如果不公开于业界共享的话,那未免太自私了。同时开源也让我们觉得看起来更酷。
The next in the series of understanding the Disruptor pattern developed at LMAX.
After the last post we all understand ring buffers and how awesome they are. Unfortunately for you, I have not said anything about how to actually populate them or read from them when you’re using the Disruptor.
ConsumerBarriers and Consumers
I’m going to approach this slightly backwards, because it’s probably easier to understand in the long run. Assuming that some magic has populated it: how do you read something from the ring buffer?
(OK, I’m starting to regret using Paint/Gimp. Although it’s an excellent excuse to purchase a graphics tablet if I do continue down this road. Also UML gurus are probably cursing my name right now.)
原文地址:http://mechanitis.blogspot.com/2011/07/dissecting-disruptor-writing-to-ring.html(因被墙移到墙内) 作者:Trisha
This is the missing piece in the end-to-end view of the Disruptor. Brace yourselves, it’s quite long. But I decided to keep it in a single blog so you could have the context in one place.
The important areas are: not wrapping the ring; informing the consumers; batching for producers; and how multiple producers work. 阅读全文
原文地址:http://mechanitis.blogspot.com/2011/08/disruptor-20-all-change-please.html (因被墙移到墙内) 作者:Trisha
Martin recently announced version 2.0 of the Disruptor – basically there have been so many changes since we first open-sourced it that it’s time to mark that officially. His post goes over all the changes, the aim of this article is to attempt to translate my previous blog posts into new-world-speak, since it’s going to take a long time to re-write each of them all over again. Now I see the disadvantage of hand-drawing everything.