


  1. 解释一:并行是指两个或者多个事件在同一时刻发生;而并发是指两个或多个事件在同一时间间隔发生。
  2. 解释二:并行是在不同实体上的多个事件,并发是在同一实体上的多个事件
  3. 解释三:在一台处理器上“同时”处理多个任务,在多台处理器上同时处理多个任务。如hadoop分布式集群



原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自并发编程网 – ifeve.com本文链接地址: 并发和并行有什么区别?

    • 泡泡
    • 2013/01/08 10:23下午

    并行: 就是等于号

    并发: 就是大于号

      • 泡泡
      • 2013/01/08 10:34下午

      通俗点说 并发就是不同线程同时干一件事情

      • 也就是说并发必然牵扯到应用系统中资源的竞争

    • 天涯
    • 2013/03/08 9:31上午


    • 已经修改了。笔误,感谢指正。

      • zhengJackson
      • 2013/11/01 11:25上午


    • 匿名
    • 2013/04/17 10:10上午


      • 低调求生存
      • 2013/06/07 11:11下午

      You can get concurrency on a single core processor using preemptive time-shared threads. But what you cannot achieve on a single core processor is parallelism.

    • 低调求生存
    • 2013/06/07 11:08下午

    It’s well understood that concurrency is decomposition of a complex problem into smaller components. If you cannot correctly divide something into smaller parts, it’s hard to solve it using concurrency. but it is wrong b/c those smaller components may depend on each other in a sequential manner to complete, so even if you divide into small components, it does not mean you achieve concurrency / parallelism.
    In all my classes of parallel and distributed algorithms (both in BS and MS) we never talked about “concurrency we obtained and now let’s see how to obtain parallelism”. If you use the word concurrency to describe and algorithm then you imply parallelism and vice versa.
    When you have the abstract form of an algorithm in mind, you then have to choose if you will implement it with Message Passing or Shared Memory or maybe Hybrid. You will also have to consider the type of memory access (NUMA, UMA, etc) and the Topology used (Hypercube, Torus, Ring, Mesh, Tree, etc)
    This seems a lot of work to someone who just wants something, maybe even simple, done in a parallel way (e.g. parallel for).
    And it is a lot of work especially if you change the topology (so you can have all of its advantages).
    So you write the parallel code (be it simple or complex) and the VM or compiler will choose what seems to be the best way to go, even running it in a sequential way! (an example would be Task Parallel Library for .net).And it should mention that I am talking about concurrency in a program / algorithm and not between independent programs that run in a system.

    From an implementation point of view, if you say “parallelism” you usually intend a program that runs on the local computer or a cluster (Shared Memory communication), and “distributed” when you run the program on a grid (Message Passing communication).

    so this also mean concurrency as the abstract principle and parallel as the way it is implemented [Shared Memory, Message Passing, Hybrid between both; Type of memory acces (numa, uma, etc)].

    BTW:You can get concurrency on a single core processor using preemptive time-shared threads. But what you cannot achieve on a single core processor is parallelism.

    Concurrency is not Parallelism(it’s better): http://concur.rspace.googlecode.com/hg/talk/concur.html

    • ada
    • 2013/07/24 9:28上午


    • 匿名
    • 2013/10/29 11:08下午



    • 并行编程的目标也是达到最高的处理速率,如hadoop利用多台机器进行并行处理。

    • zhengJackson
    • 2013/11/01 11:18上午

    天涯 :


    • ligang7121087
    • 2016/04/04 11:49下午


    • Simba_cheng
    • 2016/10/18 11:03下午

    并行 : 双十一 , 零时零分零秒,三十万用户同时登录淘宝网

    并发 : 双十一 , 零时零分零秒 至 两点零分零秒 共有一百万用户登录淘宝网.

  1. 拿人做个比喻

    并行 : 多个人同时吃饭
    并发 : 一个人同时吃饭 同时听歌曲

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