Java8 Striped64 和 LongAdder
本文原发表在码蜂笔记,原文链接:码蜂笔记 – Java8 Striped64 和 LongAdder
数据 striping
In computer data storage, data striping is the technique of segmenting logically sequential data, such as a file, so that consecutive segments are stored on different physical storage devices.
Striping is useful when a processing device requests data more quickly than a single storage device can provide it. By spreading segments across multiple devices which can be accessed concurrently, total data throughput is increased. It is also a useful method for balancing I/O load across an array of disks. Striping is used across disk drives in redundant array of independent disks (RAID) storage, network interface controllers, different computers in clustered file systems and grid-oriented storage, and RAM in some systems.
数据 striping 就是把逻辑上连续的数据分为多个段,使这一序列的段存储在不同的物理设备上。通过把段分散到多个设备上可以增加访问并发性,从而提升总体的吞吐量。